What kind of cleaner can I use on my faucet featuring the Spot Resist™ Stainless or Spot Resist™ Brushed Nickel Finishes?
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A damp cloth and mild liquid dishwashing soap may be used, followed by rinsing with water and drying with a soft cloth. Never use cleaners containing abrasives (including abrasive sponges or steel wool), ammonia, bleach or sodium hypochlorite, organic solvents (e.g., alcohols) or other harsh chemicals (e.g., lime scale removers) to clean to Spot Resist® finish, as they may damage the finish.
For faucets with clear knob style handles, cleaners should be approved for acrylics and used in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions for use. Cleaners should be rinsed off thoroughly with water immediately after cleaning.
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